6 Conclusions From The Global Entrepreneurship Congress in South-Africa

1. "Data is the new oil"- The information companies have on their customers is invaluable, at least as much as oil used to be. Companies that use it smartly can create a new revenue stream by selling it, and have an edge. (What about our privacy? Well, that's a different issue).
2. FinTech is relevant to organizations in other sectors as well, because they can learn how to deal with digital disruption from an eco-system that is dealing with it in real time.
3. South Africans want to learn more about innovation and how to move ahead. While being interviewed, lecturing at the Pretoria University, and also at the Soweto Innovation Center panel, the questions asked were wonderfully intelligent. Companies that want to cooperate with South-Africa can definitely create a win-win situation.
4. The Israeli embassy in South-Africa is amazing. It's great working with professionals!
5. GEN congress, with its 6,000 participants from 170 countries is impressive. Anyone who wasn't there this time, should definitely find a way to join next year.
6. South-Africa has the best tasting fruits and veggies. The locals are beautiful (!) and so full of happiness, even with the hardships they go through. They are a true inspiration.